Illustration of a Developer

Shivam Tewari, the web developer

About Me


Due to my recent life experiences, I've opened up to a bunch of new avenues on top of my existing interests. These include:

  What I Know
  • Semantic HTML
  • Responsive Images
  • HTML Entity
  • BEM Naming
  • Block Formatting Context V/s Inline Formatting Context
  • Responsive Design
  • Creating CLI Apps
  • readline-sync npm package
  • chalk npm package
  • gradient-string npm package
  • Git CLI
  • Documenting Work via Markdown
  • Diffing
  • Stashing
  • Interactive Rebasing
  • Opening, Closing & Merging PRs
  • Linking Live Site
  • Commenting on PRs using Markdown
  • Hosting GitHub Project
  • Checking Deploy Info
This is my portfolio website in the making. I'll soon make changes here. I've made 2 cli apps in nodeJs. First one is MEmory Quiz(v2023) which quizzes user about their knowledge of me. Second one is Mytho Mania which quizzes user about their knowledge on Hindu Mythology.